It's Not Right!During the last few months I have suffered through an affliction in my spirit, which has affected me gravely. Inadvertently, I allowed personal situations to ruin my destiny and my thoughts for more than a while. Until then, I was on my way to God’s plan, in making a grave change in my life and the lives of others. Look at this, just like David in 2 Corinthians he was on his way to the throne, I was on my way in the ministry, possessed the respect of my family and the community in which I live to be used by God, and contemplating a new business. In these times you must keep the word in your mouth to survive. 1 Thessalonians 1:6 states, “And ye became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the Word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Ghost.”My affliction came in through grief as a result of multiple trials such as; poor finances, health, and other issues that plagued my life to the point that I was weakened, or let’s just say beaten to a pulp.
Thus, I left the door open and the devil saw somewhere he could squeeze in, to deteriorate my confidence and attempt to stop my progress. Also, you know this affected my family in a grave way, and that’s exactly what the enemy wants! “No one should suffer like this!” I said to myself, and then a downward spiral began, until the hand of God came in. He reached out to me with a helping hand and scooped me up on the wings of prayer from others, standing in the gap for me.
God is still on the mainline folks, presiding on his throne, and he will dispatch you assistance if you ask. And if you cannot pray, ask for help from others.Prayer changes things!
Love Dee
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Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."
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