WWPC invites you to read the spiritual vitamin and meditate on a fresh word from the Lord.

Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them."

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Greetings Ya'll,
Wanted to say a few words about the holiday; all the flurry of gifts and high expectations are overwhelming. These days you see little about God and his Son Jesus, in all the hoop LA..LA...LA. Thanksgiving had not begun yet, and media and advertisers were on the move with all these commercials or printed materials, that advertised the latest this or that! Now, I am not a scrooge, but this year I promised myself I'd not be overcome with it all. I have attended some great holiday celebrations that were spirituality based, did some volunteering; but do not plan to indulge too deep with the spending. This was rewarding to me....just saying, you might want to try to step out and do something different. PLEASE!!!!!

You know it's purely up to you folks, but we should be more CHRIST focused in this season. Please remember the reason we're celebrating Christmas; he was born and died on the cross for us. We're making false idols of the shopping and gifts, forgetting that our Lord is the greatest GIFT to man-kind ever. Believe me I know that the Lord is not pleased. He reminds us in Psalms 78:58, "They angered him with their high places; they aroused his jealousy with their idols."

My suggestion is to spend quality time with your family; going to church, or being one-to-one with your kids, having fun playing games, or just taking a drive through the neighborhood to watch the Christmas lights and decorations. Before all the technology we used to do this, and things were better in families with personal communication. My Grandma and I used to talk for hours about everything in life, she was my resource for moral clarity not the TV or Internets!

Think about it people....so before you turn a deaf ear to a family member or anyone in need, think about helping someone if nothing else, donate time. Give in the name of the Lord, because he is good, now and forever more.

I come in Love,
